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About me

My name is Page Davis and I own 3SpaceArchViz.  I know what you must be thinking.  "He looks just like Brad Pitt!."  I get that all the time.  I've learned to live with it.  Ok, that actually is Brad Pitt.  Much like typical architectural elevations I'm just not that interesting to look at.  But a three dimensional architectural visualization by 3SpaceArchViz?  That's a different story.  We're talking Brad Pitt level stuff!  Now in addition to traditional two dimensional floor plans and elevations architects and builders use dynamic three dimensional computer-aided designs to create exciting photorealistic models to inspire and inform.  Much like a well produced image of Brad Pitt!


Ok, if you really want to know, that's me in the black and white image above.  I'm a little older now but probably no wiser.  With over thirty five 

years in the television, video, film and 3D animation production industry I have designed, built and managed television video production facilities from the east coast to the west coast and back again.  In fact, the above image is from a facility I designed, built and operated in San Diego, California.  I have been recognized locally, regionally and nationally for my work, including seven Southwest United States Region Emmy Awards for Producing, Directing and Editing. 

"Find a need and fill it." 


I have been modeling and rendering architectural designs for about ten years.  A few years ago I decided to see if there was a market for my work.  Happily, I believe there is!


While most large architectural design firms and many of the larger commercial development and construction companies already use three dimensional architectural visualization or ArchViz to present their designs many smaller to medium sized architectural and commercial development companies do not.  They simply cannot justify the expense of staffing these positions fulltime. 


I offer 3D design and modeling services on an as needed basis.  From the beginning my clients have sought my creative skills as well as my technical skills asking for design input or commissioning me to do the design work entirely.  If your design is complete and all you need is dynamic photorealistic images of your project send me your site plan, floor plans, elevations, and a materials list and I will get started.  If, however, the design is still undecided and you would like my design input just send me what you have and we will go from there.


This is a good place to remind you I am not an architect nor am I an engineer.  My clients have their architects and engineers verify the legitimacy of my designs.


What I do for fun!


If I am not doing architectural design and modeling for clients you can usually find me designing furniture or some other product for myself.  Oh yeah, and golf.  Everyone needs a hobby!



Upstairs Built-In Model, 2018 version 3

Built-In Desk and Bookcase

Upstairs Built-In Model, 2018 version 3
Upstairs Built-In Model, 2018 version 3

Vinyl is making a comeback.  This is a Mid-Century Modern walnut and maple roll-top stereo cabinet.


Personal Desk from reclaimed wood.

Tiger maple and walnut shoe shine box

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